Renter Services...

You have two options to go about finding a property to rent: 

  1. Option #1: Using a realtor, such as MyDaddyHomes, please note there is no charge for this service, the realtor fee is paid for by the Landlord. 
  2. Option #2: Doing the legwork yourself by searching private listing services, newspapers etc., and contacting a landlord or property management company directly and negotiating a lease. With this option you need to get an official lease signed to ensure that you are fully aware of the conditions of the lease. Using this option you are at the mercy of the landlord, you have no one to represent you.  

Option # 1: Using MyDaddyHomes To Help You- What we do for you without charge:  

1. Needs and wants:  We cater to your needs and wants by listening to your rental criteria.  The more we know what you are looking for we are better able to find the right rental accommodation in a timely manner at the right price. 

2. Viewing of rental properties.  We book all appointments of homes for viewing and discuss with you the pros and cons of each home. All you have to do is to be there for the viewing. 

3. Offer to lease preparation: Once you have found the right home, it is now time to prepare an offer to lease. We prepare the offer and ensure that your rights are protected. Here is an example of the contents of an offer to lease:

  • Lease price 
  • How long the lease is for 
  • When does the lease start and end 
  • What utilities you will be responsible for 
  • If it is a home, who is responsible for snow removal, keeping the lawns maintained etc., 
  • The amount of notice the landlord must give you if he is thinking about selling the home after the term of lease.  
  • How many hours of notice the landlord must give you before the home can be shown to a prospective buyer or tenant 
  • The amount of days of notice you have to give the landlord if you will not be renewing the lease: 
    • If you pay rent daily or weekly you must give 28 Days notice  
    • If you pay rent monthly or a fixed term you must give 60 days notice.  
  • Can you decorate the home to your choosing 
  • How often the landlord can inspect the home during the lease term 

4. Is the property legal to rent:  We let you know if the property is legal to rent. Not all rental properties are legal to rent with regards to basement apartments. 

5. Rental application preparation: We help you with the rental application preparation, the landlord has to know about you and all the persons who will be living on the premises and their relationship to you. 

6. Credit Check: A credit check is required before an agreement to lease can be submitted to the landlord. An average to a good credit score will always work in your favor. Having a poor credit score will be a challenge. Credit checks can be requested from Equifax or other Canadian credit service agencies. We discuss with you options that might be available to you if your credit is not that stellar. 

7. Income to support rent: A landlord will always like to know if you have enough income to fulfill the monthly obligations. If you cannot prove that you have enough income, the landlord will decline your application. A job letter and current pay stubs is normally used to established income.  

8. First and Last months rent submission:  First and last months rent must be submitted within 24 hours of acceptance of a lease. We ensure that the funds get to the Brokerage from you, if the funds do not get to the brokerage in time, there is a possibility you won't get the lease. 

9. Transfer of utilities from the landlord to the tenant: We ensure that you have all the right paperwork required to transfer the applicable utilities from the Landlord to your name.  

10. Taking possession: We accompany you on closing day to ensure that all necessary closing day activities are taken care off and you have a hassle free closing.

 Summary: We treat renters with the same care as we do with Buyers and Sellers. When you are seeking rental accommodations, there is one name to remember "MyDaddyHomes" we treat you as family, Contact Us Today for a "Better Tomorrow."